Monday 5 January 2015

Cute Shoelace Braid – DIY Hairstyle

What you will need:
– hair mousse that is volumizing;
– some hair elastics;
– some bobby pins.
1. Apply the volumizing mousse to your hair from the roots to the end so the shoelace braids stay tightly.
2. Split your hair in the middle of your head, then starting from the right side take 2 small hair strands and make a knot.
3. Then take another 2 small hair strands from a little lower, gather each one with the previous one from the upper knot and make another knot.
4. Repeat the process until you almost reached the back of your head and secure with some bobby pins.
5. Do the same on the left side of your head, then gather all of your hair in a big ponytail,
6. Make a fishtail braid on the hair left then twist it in a bun and your hairstyle is ready!